While some places may consider low unemployment to be an economic development success, communities that have been successful at attracting new companies and growing existing ones recognize that it’s really a challenge all its own.

Growing companies need a supply of new workers, and the Brand Acceleration team has developed successful programs to attract workers and tax-paying residents.

No two markets are alike or face the same challenges, but the most effective programs usually involve the coordinated use of multiple channels. For example, our team has used digital marketing, broadcast marketing, billboards, social media marketing, and other channels to support workforce attraction programs.

With unemployment rates at an all-time low and available workforce scarce, communities face the challenge of retaining and attracting skilled workers. At Brand Acceleration, we know the cost of an effective workforce &  resident attraction marketing campaign can be sizable and frightening.

Utilizing strong community partnerships, our proven Workforce & Resident Attraction Marketing Initiative could allow you to reach desired workers and residents at no cost to your economic development organization.

For more information, just give us a call. We’ll gladly explain how this program can work for your community.

Hendricks County IN

Cinda Kelley
Cinda Kelley
Kelley and Associates

With more than 40 years of combined experience in grassroots community and economic development, I understand the importance of establishing strong relationships. Today, community businesses, leaders, and schools are looking for innovative ways to attract talent much like we have spent decades in business attraction and retention efforts. As good community stewards, organizations need to seek out trusted relationships such as we found in working with Brand Acceleration.  Their team listened to our community and employer needs and tailored a talent attraction marketing program that was innovative and effective. They even helped us with a unique funding approach that worked for the employers and our office. The message today of live-work-play continues to be successful.  Thank you, Brand Acceleration for listening and responding to the needs of Hendricks County.

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